“陈湘波艺术公益基金由艺术家陈湘波发起,致力于培养优秀艺术人才、提升社会对美育的关注度。” 这份愿望就像是艺术的种子,通过艺术家带动基金发展积聚而来的力量,在视觉形象中简化成有力的、可靠的、输送营养的树干的形象,枝繁叶茂当然是对给予支持的艺术的期望。春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏,生命周而复始,艺术生命也如是。取四时之颜色为形象的延展,可相互搭配辅助应用,既规范视觉应用,也活跃了以黑白为主色的标识,更好地和时尚链接。Chen Xiangbo Art Foundation is initiated by the artist Chen Xiangbo, which raises fund for art talent cultivation, and supporting of activities on social aesthetic education. The purpose of the foundation is like art seeds, and the power gains from the foundation is like a tree trunk, which deliveries nutrients to the branches and the leaves. And, of cause, the scene with luxuriant foliage is expected.Life is alway go round like sowing in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in autumn and saving in winter. Art is as life itself. That’s why the four colors present four seasons are chosen and put into use together with the logo. The four chosen colors not only standardize the usage of the VI, but also light up the black-and-white logo, making it link up with fashion.