Hou Dengke Documentary Photography Award
“侯登科纪实摄影奖”自2007年至今每两年一届至今已经历6届,所以此次logo升级在原有基础之上保留轮廓外形,弱化个人形象,以“侯登科精神”为主的出发点来分析创作。“纪实摄影”是记录现实生活的摄影方式,还原人与人、人与自然的本质。所以采用“镜面”作为载体的概念则是为体现折射真实与发生的存在,表达现实本质。“侯登科纪实摄影奖”宗旨是推动扶持纪实影像的发展,众多的镜面碎片“聚集”“推动”成为创作的一部分核心。抽象化形式是为表达其精神已经超越个人形象。The Houdenke Documentary Photography Award has gone through six sessions, held every two years since 2007. The upgrade new logo retains the outline of the original sketch, weakens the personal image, and focuses on the spirit of Houdengke as the basic point for new creation."Documentary photography" records reality, returns the essence of human being and nature. Therefore, the concept of "mirror" is token to express the reflection of documentary photography and reality.Multi-fragments of mirror are pushing together is the core creation, means “to gather” and “to promote”, meets the the purpose of Houdenke Documentary Photography Award, which is to promote and support the development of documentary photography. The abstract figure conveys that the spirit goes beyond personal image.