见字如晤 纸短情长
Letters & Sentiments
“见字如晤 纸短情长”是一个二十世纪七八十年书信为主的展览。现在这个年代几乎不会写信了,有的话也是微乎其微。然而书写信件到了现在,却更多地变成了电子邮件和即时通讯,大多数是用键盘敲打出文字……也许我们已经看不见手写体了,但我们却可以听见打字的声音……所谓的“见字如晤”,到了今天,已经成了另一种景象。Letters & Sentiments is an exhibition with a subject of letters in 1970s to 1980s.We write few letters today, while the instant message and email rapidly develop. Therefore, we type, and hardly write, so we can hear the sound of typing. That the another kind of “letters and sentiments” today. It is another kind of phenomenon.